Howdy! I am officially the last person in the world to start a blog. Your hairdresser, your dog, and your grandma all beat me to it, and, wowzer, your grandma’s blog posts are racy!


So you already know that I love a good bandwagon, but what else? Well, here are the answers to all the other important questions:

Savoury, not sweet. Right-handed, not left. “Ee-ther”, not “I-ther”. Canon, not Nikon. Hotel, not tent. Sparkling, not still. Red, not white (but will not refuse a white ee-ther).

I am originally from Canada, but I currently live in Rio de Janeiro with my husband and 2 adorable, inscrutable kidlets.

Come and say hello on Twitter or Instagram. xx Sarah


3 responses »

  1. Right not left? Now, that’s a part of you I hadn’t recognized. Are you sure you’re not left, or even centre? Eeeeether way, you are a person the world will be privileged to get to know! Write on, kiddo.
    White over red, Beach definitely. Blue over cloud. Sun over rain.

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